S1E1 - An experiment
The beginning

Episode Notes
Alchemist.Camp has been running for a year and it's time for a new experiment.
In this episode, Mark gives a brief introduction and shares his motivations and plans for this podcast.
Alchemist.Camp has been running for a year and it's time for a new experiment.
In this episode, Mark gives a brief introduction and shares his motivations and plans for this podcast.
In this episode Mark talks about investing time (and money) into evergreen skills vs skills that won't be worth much in a few years.
In this episode Mark talks about the forgetting curve, flashcards, Leitner Boxes, Supermemo, Anki, Quizlet and how to use them to learn and remember languages, mathematics, programming languages, geography or pretty much anything.
In this episode Mark talks about the pluses and minuses of different MOOC platforms and how to choose the best one for your learning needs and goals.
See: - Coursera - edX - Khan Academy - MIT Open Courseware